
Growth/Reassurance/Presentation Ultrasound Scan 24-40 weeks

The main purpose of a growth scan is to ensure that the baby is growing at a healthy rate and is developing in line with their expected due date. While a growth scan is typically recommended during the third trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers do not need to have a specific reason for attending the scan. Many women choose to attend a growth scan simply to monitor their baby’s health and growth during this crucial stage of pregnancy.

  • What are the reasons for Growth/ Wellbeing and Presentation Scan?

    • Measure fetal biometrics in single and twin pregnancies.
    • Use a Doppler study to assess the blood flow to your baby during this scan to ensure the placenta is functioning properly.
    • Check the level of amniotic fluid around your baby.
    • Assess fetal movements and heartbeat.
    • Locate the position of your placenta and exclude low lying placenta.
    • Check the position of your baby as you get closer to your due date, in particular between 36 and 40 weeks of gestation.
    • Help you to make necessary plans with your local hospital if the baby is in a breech or transverse position.
    • Medical and obstetrics history including high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid conditions, uterine fibroids, previous premature delivery and pre-eclampsia.
  • What are the preparations for this scan?

    This scan requires no special preparation, and there are no dietary or lifestyle restrictions that you need to follow beforehand. However, it is always a good idea to bring your maternity notes with you to the appointment. This will help your healthcare provider to track your baby’s growth and development over time and provide you with the most accurate information possible. During the scan, the healthcare provider will measure the size and weight of your baby, and plot these measurements onto a customized Growth Assessment Protocol (GAP) chart. This chart can help to establish if your baby’s growth rate corresponds to your expected due date and offer you an estimate of your baby’s weight. Additionally, wearing comfortable clothing and avoiding jewelry or metal objects can help to ensure a smooth and successful scan.

  • What is the price of Growth/ Wellbeing and Presentation Scan?

    Growth/Wellbeing                       £110

  • Book Your Appointment

    To ensure we can offer you the best possible service and attention, Please fill out the form we will call you as soon as possible
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  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Friday
      8.00 - 19.00
    • Saturday - Sunday
      8.00 - 16.00