Urinary Tract and Prostate

Urinary Tract & Prostate Ultrasound Scan

In the realm of men’s health check-ups, the utilization of ultrasound imaging holds paramount importance, especially when it comes to assessing the urinary tract and prostate gland. Through this non-invasive imaging technique, medical professionals can thoroughly examine and evaluate various structures, providing valuable insights into potential health issues. By focusing on the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, an Urinary Tract & Prostate Ultrasound Scan can effectively detect conditions such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and bladder tumors, facilitating early intervention and treatment.

  • What organs will be evaluated in this scan?

    Kidneys and bladder will be assessed in detail. The bladder wall thickness, diverticula or pouches of the bladder, bladder stones, and large tumours in the bladder will be the focus of the bladder scan. Kidney ultrasound can determine whether the kidneys are in the proper position or if they have blockages, stones, or tumours.

  • What are the reasons for Urinary Tract & Prostate Scan?

    • Lower abdominal pain
    • Difficulty in urination
    • Urinary retention
    • Urinary frequency or urgency
    • Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
    • Blood in the urine or haematuria
    • Kidney disease and kidney stones
    • High blood pressure
  • What are the preparations for Urinary Tract & Prostate Scan?

    Please drink up to 1 litter of water one hour before your appointment time to ensure your bladder is full for this scan.

  • What is the price of Urinary Tract Scan?

    Urinary Tract & Prostate             £145

  • Book Your Appointment

    To ensure we can offer you the best possible service and attention, Please fill out the form we will call you as soon as possible
    Book appointment
  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Friday
      8.00 - 19.00
    • Saturday - Sunday
      8.00 - 16.00